Performance Management & Scorecards

The Health Department actively uses performance data to improve the health of Vermonters. We want to know how well we and our partners are performing so we can improve the way we work. Using data to inform our activities and efforts helps ensure we are achieving the results that we want.

Our Performance Scorecards are an important part of how we manage and improve our performance. Learn more about our Performance Management Framework at the bottom of this page.

Performance Scorecards

The Performance Scorecards below show state-level population data alongside measures of our department’s performance. The Scorecards also contain narrative information about the meaning and use of the data. We know that numbers don’t tell the full story, and context is important to inform planning and action. 

We also know that statewide numbers can mask inequities that exist at the local level and between different populations.

To see regional data at local geographies with maps and trends, visit our Data Explorer

What are the Performance Scorecards?

The Performance Scorecards found on this page are a tool to display data, to share the story of what the data means, and to provide information for decision-making and action. The Scorecard framework is based on the Results Based AccountabilityTM model, which ties our programmatic work to our goals for improving the health of Vermont. This model is used throughout Vermont state government. 

The data in the Scorecards measure our efforts as a department and with our partners. These interactive report cards show how well Vermont is doing compared to our desired outcomes. Scorecards display statewide population data and program performance measures that support transparent and accountable government.  

Video: How to Use the Performance Scorecard

Healthy Vermonters 2030 Scorecards

Healthy Vermonters is one framework through which the Health Department has organized this set of performance scorecards. These Scorecards contain statewide data for the 48 indicators that are part of our Healthy Vermonters 2030 dataset. You can learn more on our Healthy Vermonters 2030 webpage.

In our Healthy Vermonters 2030 Performance Scorecards there are 12 topic areas. Click on the links below to see each Scorecard. Some of the data is still being analyzed, so check back again soon…


Children and Youth

Chronic Disease



Healthy Behaviors and Prevention

Injury and Violence

Mental Health and Resiliency


Older Adults

Pregnant People and Infants

Social Determinants

Substance Use and Tobacco


We know that numbers don’t tell the full story, and context is important to inform planning and action. We also know that statewide numbers can mask inequities that exist at the local level and between different populations. 

To see data broken down by geography and population demographics, visit our Healthy Vermonters 2030 interactive dashboard...coming soon!

To see more data specific to health equity visit our Health Equity Data page.

State Health Improvement Plan Scorecard

Our State Health Improvement Plan is a statewide vision and set of strategies and actions to collaboratively improve the health and wellbeing of those living and working in Vermont. It is an opportunity for partners across the state to align efforts to address the selected priorities for reducing inequities. 

State Health Improvement Plan Scorecard

Why do we use Performance Scorecards?

Our Performance Scorecards and other ways that we report data are a method for us to monitor, share, and use data for improvement. These are important elements of the 10 Essential Public Health Services, according to the Public Health National Center for Innovation (PHNCI).  You can read more about the 10 Essential Public Health Services on the PHNCI website.  

Scorecards are part of our Performance Management Framework

The Health Department has a Performance Management Framework to organize our improvement efforts. Our framework works with the State Health Assessment, State Health Improvement Plan, statewide outcomes-based legislation (Act 186), department Strategic Plan, and other core departmental operations. It functions at the program, organization, and system level. The framework is designed to ensure the Health Department is using performance data in decision making. This work is overseen by the Performance Improvement Manager and the Performance Management Committee, which has representation from across the department.  

Learn more about the four components of our Performance Management Framework
  1. Population health data monitoring and reporting helps us understand and share information about the health and well-being of people and communities in Vermont.
  2. Department accountability and performance measurement help us understand and use information to make decisions and improve how our department and programs work to support Vermont.
  3. Developing workforce training and resources builds a culture of quality and provides staff with what they need to do their jobs well. 
  4. Investing in improvement and innovation ensures that our department is continuously working to better support Vermont in new and better ways.
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