Vermont School Health Resources
Measles Messaging Toolkit for Schools and Child Care FacilitiesA communications toolkit for schools and child care facilities to use to inform parents and school staff about measles and measles prevention.
Office of Local Health  Contact your Office of Local Health, School Liaison to learn more about school health services and school nursing efforts in your area.
Essential School Health Services  A system focused on improving student outcomes, school attendance, the mitigation of challenges such as chronic health conditions, and other barriers related to social determinants of health. 
Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice The framework from the National Association of School Nurses provides the key principles of professional school nursing practice including: Standards of Practice, Public Health, Care Coordination, Leadership and Quality Improvement. 
Vermont Agency of Education's Educator Licensure Information on how to apply to become a licensed School Nurse or Associate School Nurse in Vermont. School Nurses qualify as Specialized Instructional Support Personnel according to the Every Student Succeeds Act (2015)
Vermont School Nurse Orientation The Health Department maintains and revises the School Nurse Orientation. Completion of the Vermont School Nurse Orientation and ICS 100 training is required for licensure by the Agency of Education.
Vermont State Board of Education’s Education Quality Standards (2014) Education standards, including health services and recommended delivery model for health services. 
Vermont State School Nurse Consultant  Provides support for Office of Local Health School Liaisons and school nurses regarding school health services and school nursing practice.  
Contact information: [email protected]


School Nurse Leadership

In partnership with the Northeastern University School Health Academy , 6 webinars about school nurse leadership fundamentals are available online to all Vermont school nurses. 

WebinarDescription Handouts
Introduction to School Nursing Leadership for Vermont School Nurses

After viewing the presentation, the participant will be able to:   

  • Recognize how Nursing Theory impacts school nursing practice
  • Identify Nursing theorists that are crucial to how school nursing practice operates
  • Recognize the Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice
  • Describe the Leadership Standards from School Nursing Scope and Standards   
NASN's 21st Century Framework for School Nursing Practice

After viewing the presentation, the participant will be able to   

  • Recognize the NASN 21st Century Framework for School Nursing Practice
  • Identify the 5 standards of the Framework
  • Examine the individual standards as they relate to school nursing practice
  • Apply the principles to everyday school nursing practice   
Introduction to Data and Data Utilization Part 1  

After viewing the presentation, the school nurse will be able to:   

  • Identify sources of school health data
  • Recognize the vital importance and use of school health data
  • Demonstrate each school nurse's responsibility to collect/disseminate data   
Process and Protocols for Delegation and Medication Administration Part 1 and Part 2

After viewing the presentation, the learner will be able to:   

  • Recognize the Vermont Nurse Practice Act (NPA)
  • Apply the principles of the NPA to school nursing practice
  • Describe the protocols for medication administration
  • Identify the process for delegation 
Evaluation of School Nursing Practice  

After viewing the presentation, the participant will be able to:   

  • Identify the need for a school nurse job description
  • Examine the need for Goal development
  • Recognize the importance of self-assessment   
Every Student Counts for Vermont School Nurses A review of data and NASN's Every Student Counts data set with Kimberly Stanislo, the Research, Education, and Practice Director at NASN.  


School Nurse Committees, Organizations, and Partners
School Nurse Advisory Committee 


  • Five practicing school nurses
  • Education professional from the Agency of Education
  • Vermont State School Nurse Consultant (Chair). 

Ex officio members: 

  • Health Department’s Maternal and Child Health Director
  • Public health nurse.  


  1. Maintain the Standards of Practice: School Health Services Manual
  2. Maintain an up-to-date online orientation for new school nurses
  3. Promote school nurse workforce development
Vermont State School Nurses Association (VSSNA) Professional nursing organization to help stay current with evidence-based practice and set the standards of school nursing practice. For more information, contact the president of the VSSNA ([email protected]), or visit the VSSNA website.
National Association of School Nurses (NASN)  NASN provides tools, resources, and continuing education opportunities.
National Board for Certification of School Nurses (NBCSN) NBCSN promotes voluntary certification by examination for all school nurses. Certification represents a national standard of preparation, knowledge, and practice.
Agency of Education Responsible for regulations and administration in areas such as education quality standards, school nurse licensing, and school health services.  
Vermont Board of Nursing  To renew your nursing license and learn about your scope of practice.  


Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child

Many Vermont supervisory unions and school districts have created wellness teams to work on health-related policies, procedures, programs, and activities. These teams are often modeled after the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. 

Resource Description 
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole ChildInformation from CDC on WSCC model.
School Health Index An online self-evaluation and planning tool for schools. 
Linking Health and Learning Information from AOE on initiatives to promote health in schools, including WSCC.