What You Need to Know About Nitrates and Nitrites in Drinking Water

Nitrogen can take different forms in nature and is important for life in both plants and animals. The most common form of nitrogen found in well water is nitrate. Wells with high levels of nitrates are more likely to be privately owned or shallow and affected by human activity.

Health concerns: Are nitrates or nitrites harmful to my health?

There are two health concerns when drinking water with high levels of nitrates or nitrites.

The first is risk of “blue baby syndrome,” also called methemoglobinemia:

  • Poisoning can occur when babies drink formula made with nitrate- or nitrite- contaminated tap water.
  • The baby’s blood is less able to carry oxygen due to poisoning.
  • Affected babies develop a blue-gray color and need emergency medical help immediately.
  • Babies under six months of age are more at risk.

The second is the potential formation of chemicals called nitrosamines in the digestive tract. Nitrosamines are being studied for long-term links to cancer. No standards have been set for this yet.

Source: How do nitrates and nitrites get into my water?

Nitrate contamination of water usually comes from fertilized agricultural fields, septic system failures, or compost piles that are too close to wells. Learn how to take care of your septic system

Testing: How do I know if nitrates or nitrites are in my water?

You cannot see, smell or taste nitrates or nitrites. Testing is the only way to know if nitrates or nitrites are in your drinking water. If human or animal waste contaminates a well, nitrites will be detected first but will quickly convert to nitrates, which is why tests are done for nitrates.

The Health Department recommends testing your well or spring for nitrates every five years. You can order an inorganic chemical test (Kit C) from the Health Department Laboratory, or you can use another certified drinking water lab to test for inorganic chemicals.

Test results: Is my result a problem?

The drinking water standard for nitrates in water is 10.0 mg/L and nitrites is 1.0 mg/L

  • If your final result for nitrate is more than (>) 10.0 mg/L, the level is over the drinking water standard, and the Health Department recommends treating your water.
  • If your final result for nitrate is more than (>) 5.0 mg/L, the level is approaching a level that is unsafe for babies under six months old to consume, and the Health Department recommends treating your water. The contamination may be coming from sources such as runoff from farm fields, manure piles, septic systems or compost piles. Consider addressing these sources as well.
  • If your final result for nitrite is more than (>) 1.0 mg/L, the level is over the drinking water standard, and the Health Department recommends treating your water.

Need help understanding your drinking water test results? Find out how to read your results

Treatment options: Can I remove or lower the levels of nitrates in my water?

Nitrate levels can be lowered in drinking water with one of the treatment systems listed below.

Re-test your drinking water for nitrates after any treatment system is installed to make sure levels are below the drinking water standard.

Financial assistance: Is there funding available to help me pay for my water system or treatment?

Funding is available to help you pay for water treatment or to fix your water system. Learn more about financial assistance programs and eligibility.

More Information
Nitrates in Vermont's Private Drinking Water
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