The WIC Program (Women, Infants and Children) provides access to healthy foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support and referrals to health care and other community resources. You can trust WIC to be your family's nutrition expert during critical periods of growth and development, like pregnancy, infancy and early childhood.


How do I join WIC?

WIC is for income-eligible Vermont residents who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a new baby, and children under age 5. Parents, grandparents and foster parents may apply for children in their care. Or, if you or your child is on Medicaid, Dr. Dynasaur or 3SquaresVT/SNAP, you can join WIC.

  Apply Now!  

"Nutritional support with WIC Foods and Farmers' Market coupons has been immensely helpful to my family."    - Vermont WIC Participant

Check Out WIC Benefits


Local WIC Highlights

What towns does the Morrisville office serve?

Belvidere, Cambridge, Craftsbury, Eden, Elmore, Greensboro, Hardwick, Hyde Park, Johnson, Jeffersonville, Morristown, Stowe, Waterville, Wolcott, Woodbury, Stannard


Appointments are currently offered over the phone, via video, or in person. Please call our office at 1-802-888-7447 for more details.

63 Professional Dr., Suite 1
Morrisville, VT 05661

United Church of Johnson
100 Lower Main St
Johnson, VT 05656

Hardwick Health Center
4 Slapp Hill
Hardwick, VT 05843

Lamoille Health Pediatrics
609 Washington Highway
Morrisville, VT 05661





Nutrition and Health Education

WIC activities are offered in the office and community. Find out what WIC activities are happening in your are or call 802-888-7447 .

Among the opportunities available throughout the year are:

  • Baby Shower for Pregnant Women - All expecting women and their supports are invited to discuss prenatal health, nutrition, breastfeeding, birthing, and more. Facilitated by community specialists in nutrition, birthing, breastfeeding, and literacy. Refreshments as well as free baby clothes are provided for participants. The 3rd Tuesday of every 3rd month (March 17, June 16, September 15, December 15) 4:00 to 5:30pm Steven's Conference Room at Copley Hospital, 530 Washington Highway, Morrisville. Please call 888-7447 to register.
  • Secrets of Baby Behavior and Cues – These classes are offered every month to help you learn how to recognize hunger cues, sleep patterns, reasons for crying, and solutions to common concerns.
  • Farm to Family – Every June and July, the Farm to Family Program gives WIC participants coupons for free, locally grown, fresh vegetables and fruits from farmers’ markets. See the complete list of markets authorized to accept coupons.
  • Fun Family Food Fests - Monthly family events at the Oxbow Riverside Park in Morrisville that encourage healthy living such as free fresh produce, recipes, tastings, yoga, gardening, kite making, walks on the Rail Trail and more. Events dates are the 3rd Friday of the month May to September, 11:00 to 1:00pm. Call to sign up 888-7447 or just show up!
  • Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program - A six-week class. Call the WIC nutritionist for dates and to register 802-888-7447. Make healthy choices, save money on food, choose & prepare healthier meals, feel stronger and free kitchen tools at each class.
  • Complete your WIC nutrition education online with These activities are easy and fun ways to get more information from a trusted source on a variety of topics many families face when parenting small children. Lots of families like these activities because they can be done at your convenience in the privacy of your own home.

Sign up to get tips, tools and online lessons, in English and Spanish

Check out our Facebook page for current activities,

Breastfeeding Support

There are many ways WIC can help you succeed with breastfeeding, including:

  • Extra WIC foods for breastfeeding parents
  • Referrals to community lactation consultants and other support services
  • Breast pumps
  • Breastfeeding groups and classes

Our staff, including a IBCLC, are available to answer breastfeeding questions to help you and your baby meet your breastfeeding goals.


Baby Chat Groups

Sponsored by Lactation & Birthing Solutions, this free group are facilitated by a community Maternal Child Health specialist and allow parents and babies to socialize, play, and learn about developmental expectations. First Thursdays at the Lanpher Library in Hyde Park from 10:00-11:30 a.m., second Saturdays at the Lamoille Family Center in Morrisville from 10:00 -11:30 a.m., and fourth Tuesdays at the Church of the Nazarene in Johnson from 10:00 -11:30 a.m.

La Leche League of Lamoile County meets on the second Thursdays of the month at the Morristown Centennial Library, 7 Richmond Street, Morrisville, VT.


Breastfeeding Families Group

Sponsored by Building Bright Futures, the Lamoille Family Center, and Lactation & Birthing Solutions, this group is facilitated by a community Maternal Child Health specialist and allows parents and babies to socialize, play, and learn about developmental expectations. Scale available to weigh your baby. Third Wednesdays at the Church of the Nazarene in Johnson from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

There are Lamoille County employers that are breastfeeding friendly. If you're an employer who supports breastfeeding in the workplace and want to be added to this list, fill out our application to be recognized by the State of Vermont for your excellence. Need assistance to become breastfeeding-friendly? No problem! Give us a call at 802-786-5811 option 2 and we can help. 

For more details, see the WIC breastfeeding section of this page or call us at 802-888-7447

See more breastfeeding resources

Shopping Information
  • Visit Shopping for WIC to learn more about Vermont WIC grocery stores, the WIC Shopping App and Shopping with WIC videos.
  • Choose from these foods shown in the WIC Shopping Guide.
Farm to Family

At a farmers market you can buy just-picked fruits and vegetables and find something new to try. The market can also be a great learning experience for your kids! The Vermont Farm to Family Program offers coupons for free, locally grown vegetables and fruits to eligible WIC participants. See a list of participating farmers markets.

Health Care Referrals and Community Programs

We pride ourselves in making sure families are connected with the resources in our community to help meet and maintain their goals. We connect WIC participants with a variety of resources related to food, child care, health care, drug and alcohol programs and housing.

Learn more about how we can help with referrals.

  • Health Insurance
  • Affordable Housing
  • 3SquaresVT
  • Childcare / Preschool

Some community partners that we make referrals to include:


Story Time

Join the Lanpher Memorial Library in Hyde Park on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. and Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Families participate in movement, music, and craft activities and enjoy listening to a fun story. All families welcome.

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