Division of Substance Use Programs (DSU)

Prevention works. Treatment is effective. People recover. 

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to prevent, reduce and eliminate the problems associated with alcohol and other drug use. 

By working in partnership with other public and private organizations, we plan, support and evaluate a comprehensive system of services. 

Our work is guided by priorities that help us move closer to our purpose and are based on the principles that substance use disorder is a health issue that requires a holistic, person-centered, data-driven approach over the long-term.

Read our 2020-2022 Strategic Plan to learn more about our priorities

DSU Annual Overviews

DSU Program Briefings

Descriptive overviews and regular updates of DSU's prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery programs and services.

Quick Tip

If you are not finding what you are looking for, contact AHS.VDHDSU@vermont.gov for help.

Contact Us
Substance Use Programs (DSU)

Vermont Department of Health
280 State Drive
Waterbury, VT 05671-8340


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