Vermonters Are in Good Health

Vermont consistently ranks as one of the healthiest states in the nation. However, we know that there are unjust and preventable differences in health outcomes for some populations and communities. Not everyone in Vermont experiences the same opportunities to achieve their highest level of health and well-being. Our public health system can do better.

Using data is essential for us to understand what we are doing well and how we can increase equity, health, and well-being for all people in Vermont.  

Data Drives Public Health Improvement

Using data helps us understand the challenges and barriers to equitable outcomes for all Vermonters—the things that may prevent people in Vermont from living their healthiest lives. Knowing about the health of our state tells us how we can better achieve our shared goals for improving public health.
There are many ways to access Health Department data. Browse the table below to find links to information about:
•    specific data sources;
•    local and community-specific data;
•    trends in how data has changed over time;
•    visualizations and maps;
•    equity and disparities information;
•    topic-specific data;
•    and much more.

Link to Data LocationDescription of Data

Data Encyclopedia 

A catalog of data sources

The Data Encyclopedia includes an overview of over 60 data sources that are maintained and used by the Department of Health. It provides a high-level description of the type of information in each data source, the potential uses and limitations of the data, social characteristics collected by each data source, and the existing reports summarizing the data.

The Data Encyclopedia is reviewed regularly with content updated and added over time. 

Population Surveys

Overview of the major population surveys conducted by the Health Department

The population surveys linked on this page are valuable data collection resources providing information from a broad population of Vermonters. The surveys reach many groups of people and ask a variety of questions about health topics, strengths and risk behaviors, and social determinants of health.

From this page you can access information and reports from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), Pregnancy Risk Monitoring System (PRAMS), Adult Tobacco Survey, and more.

Health Equity Data

A collection of data about health equity in Vermont

The Health Equity Data page links to a collection of reports, briefs, dashboards, and other sources of data across specifically about equity, inequity, and health disparities in Vermont. While not a complete listing of all related data available from the Department of Health, it highlights recent and important resources to learn about how we can close the gap in health outcomes.  

From this page you can find summaries about the different outcomes of diverse populations from various data sources and related to different topic areas, including what is health equity?

Environmental Public Health Data Tracking 

The relationship between health and the environment

The Environmental Public Health Tracking page links to a wealth of data which brings together environmental data and public health data. This information is an important part of the State’s continuing effort to better understand the relationship between the environment and health.

From this page you can find more information about a variety of health and environmental topics in maps, charts, and tables; including how this data is helping Vermonters. 

Healthy Vermonters 

Vermont priorities from the national Healthy People framework

The Healthy Vermonters page introduces our set of priority population indicators and objectives to track over the course of the decade. This set of data is based on the national Healthy People framework but reflects important information specific to the overall picture of health and well-being in Vermont.

From this page you can link to the Healthy Vermonters Scorecards showing progress over time, as well as an interactive dashboard detailing this priority data through the lens of health equity. 

State Health Assessment

Overview of the health and experiences of communities and populations in Vermont

The State Health Assessment and Improvement Plan page introduces the process and results of this assessment, which is done every five years. It summarizes the input and experiences of individuals who identify as members of and/or support one or more of the following communities: Indigenous people, People of Color, people with disabilities, people who are unhoused, people who identify as LGBTQ+, and older Vermonters.

On this page you can find data briefs about specific populations and priority health needs in Vermont; including information about how the assessment was done.

Performance Scorecards 

Report cards showcasing performance and population data, including narratives about the data

The Health Department Performance Scorecards are a set of report cards that show how we and our partners are working to achieve our shared goals for improving public health. The Scorecards include state level population data, program performance data, and narratives about what the data means, why it is important, and how we can use it.

On this page you can find Scorecards for Healthy Vermonters 2030, the State Health Improvement Plan, and information about how Scorecards fit into our department Performance Management Framework. 

Special Topics Reporting

Health data on various topics

Special Topics reporting includes data specifically about infectious disease, chronic disease, injury, maternal and child health, substance use, disease prevention, and other factors that impact public health.

From this page you can find a variety of data used to inform public policy and guide health promotion efforts.

Health Care Systems Reporting

Information about the health care system and workforce in Vermont

Reports about the health care systems in Vermont provide valuable information about the capacity and performance of health care settings. This includes the numbers and retention of the workforce, data about community hospitals and psychiatric hospitals, and information about the use of health care services.

On this page you can find information useful for understanding the status and performance of some of our important healthcare systems in Vermont.


A variety of division-and program-specific data

Browse our HealthVermont.Gov website to find a wealth of data related to specific divisions and programs. topic-specific dashboards, customer surveys, and more.

Learn more about our work and the data we collect, report, and use at Vermont Department of Health: What We Do.


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