Healthy Foods
The Lamoille Valley Nutritionist Collaborative has joined efforts to improve access to healthy foods through a variety of initiatives. All started with a local food system asset. The Nutritionist Collaborative partners with Copley Hospital, the University of Vermont Extension, Salvation Farms and Hunger Free Vermont to offer hunger screening, service referrals, regular nutrition education, gleaning opportunities and community garden support.
Physical Activity
We collaborate with local communities to promote healthy behaviors in our local parks. Morristown's Oxbow Park is an example of how municipal parks are valuable spaces for families and communities to be active throughout the seasons. Physical activity is enhanced when the environment is smoke and vape-free. In 2018 Healthy Lamoille Valley and the Health Department collaborated with Morristown to design a no-tobacco/no-vaping sign and policy for the park.
Safe Routes to School
Cambridge Elementary School created a travel plan that they will help make their town a safer community for those who want to walk and bike to school. This process began with a walkability study that included support from various state associations. The school brought awareness to the community by participating in the International Walk to School Day. The school will maintain community awareness by participating in Walk-to School events. If you are interested in Safe Routes to School, contact Lamoille Valley regional expert, Rob Moore 802-851-6347 or [email protected]
Health in all Policies
In 2019 the Hyde Park Selectboard approved a Healthy Community Policy and has signed a 3-4-50 commitment letter with the Health Department, healthy community partner. By signing on as a 3-4-50 Partner, Hyde Park officials agrees to do what they can to create and sustain a healthy environment. One example is at the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail trailhead in Hyde Park, where you will see a healthy community sign encouraging users of the rail trail to keep it safe, clean and tobacco and vape free. You will also find historical reference signs that make using the trail even more interesting.