Businesses play an important role in promoting health and reducing the risk of chronic disease with over half of Vermont adults having at least one chronic condition. Chronic disease places a significant financial burden on employers in health care costs and lost productivity. Worksite wellness programs help improve the bottom line.


Worksite Wellness is Good for Business

  • Reduces Sick Leave Absenteeism
  • Reduces Health Care Costs
  • Decreases Workers’ Compensation and Disability Claims
  • Increases Employee Retention

Worksite Sign-on with 3-4-50
To submit electronically, download PDF and open in Acrobat

For retailers with food and/or tobacco (e.g. convenience, grocery, pharmacy with retail stores, etc.)
Retailer Sign-on with 3-4-50
To submit electronically, download PDF and open in Acrobat

See what 3-4-50 partner, Green Mountain Support Services in Morrisville, VT, is doing to create an environment of better health for its employees.


Success Stories

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Worksite Gardens: Team-building Through Veggies
Logo for Black River Good Neighbor Services a house roof with a curved line.
The Health Department partnered with the Vermont Community Garden Network to support vegetable gardens at worksites. Employees from Black River Good Neighbor Services shared the benefit of their worksite garden, saying, "We produced and ate fresh produce and had exercise on a regular basis while tending the garden. And we worked together on a successful project." Worksite gardens encouraged some employees to plant their own home gardens.
Worksite Wellness is a Win-Win for Hickok & Boardman
Logo of worksite wellness award recipient Hickok and Boardman
You don't have to be a huge employer to add a worksite wellness program with long-term benefits. Hickock & Boardman's Alison Rogers said, "Our company is small enough to allow all employees to participate in the planning process if they desire. Having employee-driven wellbeing initiatives has led to improvement in nearly all aspects of wellbeing and has had a tremendous positive impact on morale and camaraderie." Employees at the Village of Swanton have access to monthly biometric screenings offered by a health coach to help them reach their individual goals. They also take part in a worksite garden during the summer to increase their vegetable consumption and physical activity.