Help Me Grow is Vermont’s go-to resource for connecting families to services and supports
Help Me Grow links families and children to the information, supports, and services they need to thrive. Help Me Grow also stays in touch to provide continued support for families! Help Me Grow is powered by a resource grid of more than 3,000 services across the state. This helps to ensure that families can plug into the services they need.
All children benefit from community resources and nurturing experiences that help them succeed. By providing families with equitable access to resources when they need them, Help Me Grow works to improve family wellbeing. Examples of resources include:
- Quality learning opportunities
- Health care
- Nutrition and recreation
- Social opportunities
- Specialized services
Help Me Grow helps families and professional navigate and connect to community services.
- Call 2-1-1, option 6
- Text HMGVT to 898211,
- Email [email protected]
Providers and educators can refer a child or family by calling or completing an online referral form. Help Me Grow staff will then contact the parent/caregiver and will also follow up with the referring provider (with parent permission).
The Universal Developmental Screening Registry allows screening results to be securely shared across clinical and community settings to ensure young children are connected to developmental supports. Participating practices and providers are encouraged to access and review developmental screenings completed by early educators, home visitors, and others to inform their surveillance and screening activities during health supervision visits.
Screening Results Log On Registry Test System Log On
To participate in the UDSR:
- Complete the Community Provider/Early Educator or Health Care Provider Access and Confidentiality/Privilege Agreement and email to [email protected] or fax to 802-951-1218
- Have your families complete and sign the Parental Release form and keep this for your records
- Start sharing and viewing screening results and a child’s screening history.
Resource | Description |
User Manual | Detailed guidance for entering and viewing results and running practice reports. |
User Support | Reset your password. |
Refer a Family | Connect families with developmental supports. |
Developmental and Behavioral Screening Guidelines | Learn how use of USDR fulfills the Blueprint Accountable Care Organization (ACO) quality measure. |
Contact information | Fax: 802 951-1218 Email: [email protected] |

Read our 2020-2021 Impact Report
Visit helpmegrowvt.org to learn more.
Providers and educators can learn more and access free tools and training here.