Failure to store and handle vaccines properly can reduce vaccine potency, resulting in inadequate immune responses in patients and poor protection against disease. Patients lose confidence in vaccines and their providers when revaccination is necessary because the vaccine(s) they received may have been compromised (exposed to inappropriate conditions/temperatures or handled improperly). 

Implementing and maintaining proper storage and handling practices will safeguard the vaccine. The Vermont Immunization Program uses guidance provided in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit. The Toolkit provides best practices based on recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), vaccine manufacturers’ product information, and studies conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Section I - Storage and Handling Forms and Information
Information regarding storage and handling best practices and what is expected in the case of a temperature excursion or emergency.  This document is required for all VAVP/VCVP enrolled providers to complete yearly and present during compliance visits or upon request. 
Guidance on proper procedures for when unacceptable storage temperatures are recorded for state-supplied vaccines
Guidance on how to properly pack and transport vaccines. 
Selecting an appropriate unit to permanently house vaccines is one of the most important choices you make in protecting vaccine viability and will save your practice time and frustration.  
Occasionally a freezer storing vaccine will accumulate ice build-up necessitating a unit defrost.  The frozen vaccine is particularly sensitive to temperature fluctuations and it is important to follow proper procedures to ensure vaccine viability. 
Printable temperature logs are used to monitor temperatures of vaccine storage units when the SensoScientific data logger is disconnected from the network or if a backup data logger is in use.
Section II - Offsite Clinics - Guidance and Resources

Offsite clinics are defined as anytime the vaccine is administered away from a state-monitored storage unit. 

This guidance document includes procedures, restrictions, and checklists for conducting a successful vaccine clinic. 
When conducted an offsite clinic, appropriate storage is a must.  When offices are planning clinics, vaccine carriers are available to borrow from the Immunization Program.  Refer to the Vaccine Carrier Borrowing Program document for more information, and remember to plan ahead.  Requests should happen not less than 10 business days before your scheduled clinic date to allow time to receive, condition, and practice with the coolers. 

See the TempArmour Vaccine Carrier User Guide for more information on the coolers available through the Immunization Program. 

TempArmour® Assembly Guide

When using a TempArmour® Vaccine Carrier it is important to follow the appropriate steps to ensure vaccines remain in the cold chain and continue to be viable for our patients. This tutorial will guide you through the process of assembling a TempArmour® Vaccine Carrier for vaccine transport and off-site clinics.

Section III - Data Logger Guidance


SensoScientific Wifi Connections Instructions and Troubleshooting
This document provides guidance for setting up the device.

Data Logger Policy and Procedures for Practices
Locate specific information regarding policies for temperature documentation including user responsibilities and alarm instruction.

SensoScientific Reference Guide
This document contains step by step instructions for the use of SensoScientific temperature monitoring devices. 

LogTag Device User Guide
This manual provides a reference for the use of LogTag devices used for temperature monitoring and recording.

Section VI - Storage and Handling Resources

Additional resources for providers on vaccine storage and handling, strategies for maintaining the cold chain, inventory management and emergency procedures for protecting vaccine inventories.

Section V– Training

The primary vaccine coordinator and at least one backup vaccine coordinator are responsible for managing state-supplied vaccine. Both have to be equally knowledgeable about vaccine management.  You Call the Shots is an interactive, web-based immunization training course. It consists of a series of modules that discuss vaccine-preventable diseases and explain the latest recommendations for vaccine use. Each module provides learning opportunities, self-test practice questions, reference and resource materials, and an extensive glossary.

CDC "You Call the Shots" web-based Training Courses

The primary vaccine coordinator and backup vaccine coordinator must complete the YCTS VFC and Storage and Handling modules every year – unless they received a VCVP/VAVP compliance site visit for the calendar year.

Instructions for Obtaining VFC and Storage and Handling YCTS Training Certificates

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