As a grantee, you are required to submit reports according to the schedule specified in your grant. Find your program's reporting forms and guidance documents below.

All Providers, Grantees & Contractors

Grant Invoice Template and Submission Tool
Template and Submission Tool
Grant Invoice Template - updated 5/3/24
Grant Invoice Submission Tool  - updated 1/03/22



National Outcome Measures (NOMs)

The National Outcome Measures (NOMs) are the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) approach to performance measures. States are required to report on National Outcome Measures for both prevention and treatment programs as part of block grant requirements.

National Outcome Measures are broken down into sub-categories called “domains”. Vermont is collecting data from prevention grantees to report on the three domains in bold below. DSU grantees are required to collect the data throughout their grant period and submit it as part of their regular reporting activities for the grant. 

  • Domain 1: Reduced Morbidity – Abstinence from Drug or Alcohol Use
  • Domain 2: Employment/Education
  • Domain 3: Crime and Criminal justice
  • Domain 4: Social Connectedness
  • Domain 5: Access/Capacity
  • Domain 6: Retention
  • Domain 7: Cost Effectiveness
  • Domain 8: Use of Evidence-based Practices and Strategies
Guidance Document
NOMs Data Collection Form
Reporting Form
NOMs Reporting Form (SurveyGizmo)
Law Enforcement Drug Disposal Project
Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) Grants
Reporting Forms
Budget and Budget Narrative Template (optional, DSU-created)
Quarterly Reporting Template
Reporting Portal (Alchemer)
OD2A Grant Reporting



Drug Court


Recovery Housing Programs
Reporting Forms
Recovery Housing FY24

Contact Us
Substance Use Programs (DSU)

Vermont Department of Health
280 State Street
Waterbury, VT 05671-8340

[email protected]

Last Updated: