Vaping and E-Cigarettes are harmful to both the user and those who are exposed secondhand.


With the high prevalence of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarette, e-cigs or vapes) and increasing popularity of oral nicotine pouches among youth, teens and young adults, the Health Department Tobacco Control Program is educating on harms to consumers to prevent initiation and reduce nicotine use. 

As of 2023, 16% of Vermont high school students said they used e-cigarettes at least once in the past 30 days. Of those students, 37% did so daily. 


2023 YRBS High School Vaping Prevalence
2023 YRBS Vaping Prevalence


Vapes contain harmful metals, such as arsenic and lead. As e-cigarettes deliver flavorings, additives, and, typically, nicotine through an inhaled aerosol, they are harmful to both the user and those who are exposed secondhand. The Health Department follows the U.S. Surgeon General’s recommendation urging those who influence youth, young adults and people who are pregnant to discourage nicotine use in any form, including e-cigarettes. 

One in 17 high school youth currently smoke cigarettes (6%). Smoking rates are highest among high school youth with an IEP, LGBTQ+, Black, Indigenous, people of color, older youth and male youth. 

Vaping prevalence among student populations.
Vermont YRBS 2023. Subjective Social Status is a proxy measure for socioeconomic status. IEP or 504 Plan = Individualized Education Plan or supports and services for students with disabilities.

Emerging Nicotine Products

Oral nicotine pouches, which contain nicotine, flavorings and other ingredients, are placed between the lip and gum where nicotine is absorbed. Whether made from tobacco plants or made in a lab, nicotine pouches are not a safe alternative to smoking or vaping and not FDA approved for quitting any other form of tobacco use. Nicotine pouches are never safe for youth, young adults and pregnant women.

Learn more about the health effects of oral nicotine pouches.

Why Vaping and Nicotine Use is Harmful

  • Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is extremely addictive and can lead to smoking in the future.
  • E-cigarettes deliver numerous substances into the body that are potentially harmful, including chemicals and other compounds.
  • Even when nicotine is not present, ingredients in e-cigarettes, particularly flavoring agents, independently carry risks associated with heart and lung diseases in animals.
  • Nicotine is harmful to the developing adolescent brain.
  • Smoking or vaping can reduce the body’s ability to defend itself against respiratory illnesses.
  • Smoking and vaping is never safe for youth or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Vaping nicotine and cannabis can cause long-term harm to young people that leads to physical changes in the brain that can permanently alter attention span, impulse control and ability to learn.  

What is Being Done to Reduce Vaping and Nicotine Use in Vermont?

We work with community partners to raise awareness of the harms of vaping, smokeless products that are chewed, sucked, or sniffed, rather than smoked, and other flavored tobacco products, including little cigars or cigarillos, that attract youth, through the Unhyped and CounterBalance campaigns. We also review and share e-cigarette use data and trends and tailor our education efforts accordingly.

My Life, My Quit: A Youth and Teen Quit Resource

Advise youth to never start using tobacco or nicotine products. For those who currently use, My Life My Quit offers resources tailored to support youth ages 12-17 on their journey to quitting. Youth and teens can text Start My Quit to 36072 or visit the website for free, confidential quit help.

Resources for Youth Influencers

Parents, school professionals and other youth influencers can play an important role in educating and influencing youth about the risks of vaping or other nicotine use. In addition to being a good role model and not vaping or smoking yourself, here are some resources that may help:

  • ParentUp: This Health Department-sponsored website guides parents and guardians with tips on talking to youth and teens about hard topics, such as vaping and substance misuse.  
  • My Life My Quit - Parents: A site that offers resources to help parents and caregivers support youth and teens ages 12-17 on their journey to quitting.
School Professionals
Health Care Professionals

Using E-Cigarettes to Quit Tobacco

E-cigarettes are NOT an FDA-approved smoking cessation device. Adults who use tobacco and are trying to quit should use proven quit tools, like group or phone counseling, paired with medications or nicotine replacement therapy patches, gum or lozenges. Talk to your health care provider or visit

Tobacco Control Program
Vermont Department of Health - Health Promotion & Disease Prevention

280 State Drive
Waterbury, VT  05671-8380

[email protected]

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