Support for children with special health needs and their families.

Navigating health care, child care, insurance and resources for children with special health needs can be challenging. Our team of medical social workers are located throughout the state to help children, their families,and the providers who care for them.

Here are some of the ways we help families and caregivers:

  • Navigate the healthcare system
  • Make referrals for respite funding for parents and caregivers who need a break
  • Coordinate with the various providers caring for a child
  • Collaborate with schools and special educators to create meaningful and appropriate educational plans
  • Access health insurance, medical care, and services
  • Identify services and resources that may be helpful for a child and family
  • Assist with transitions from services throughout a child’s life
  • Plan and prepare for adulthood
  • Connect with other specialty services within CSHN, see quick links
Care Consultation Team

The Care Consultation Team provides information and support to families, care teams, and community partners to help them access resources and reduce barriers. We support teams that support families. Our involvement is short term and on an as needed basis until a child's 21st birthday.

Health Systems Team

We use population health strategies within the system of care framework to support Children and Youth with Special Health Needs (CYSHCN), their families, and the systems that support them. 

Our team works to improve access and equity for the CYSHCN population and uses data to identify and address health system needs. We develop resources with input from key partners, including family and community partners. This team collaborates with a variety of statewide partners to design and carry out systems projects to support, maintain, and improve the health of the CYSHCN population. 

If you have a health system issue you would like to report, please contact us at [email protected]


Contact us

Children with Special Health Needs
Vermont Department of Health
280 State Drive
Waterbury, VT 05671-8360

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 800-660-4427 or 802-863-7338
Fax: 802-863-7635

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