To qualify for WIC, people must meet the following requirements:
- Fit into one of the following categories:
- A pregnant person
- A person who was pregnant in the last 6 months
- A breastfeeding/chestfeeding person with an infant up to 12 months old
- An infant or child up to 5 years old (applied for by parent or caregiver)
- Be a resident of Vermont
- Meet income guidelines (see chart below) or participate in 3SquaresVT (SNAP), Medicaid, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) or Families with Dependent Children program.

The USDA WIC Prescreening Tool helps potential applicants determine if you are likely to be eligible for WIC benefits. If you are likely to be eligible you will be provided a printable summary of your answers, a list of required documents, and contact information so you can book and be ready for an appointment with your local office.

Guidelines are effective as of Month, Day, Year and get updated yearly.
View current income guidelines chart (refer to column for Reduced Price Meals - 185%).

To maintain eligibility WIC appointments are scheduled about every 6 months. Each WIC appointment may include:
• Income, Identity and Vermont Residency documentation
• Growth and health assessment, including an iron check once a year
• Nutrition consultation
• Referrals to other health services and community resource
For help or more information, contact the Vermont WIC Program by email at [email protected] or call 800-464-4343 | 802-863-7200 | Fax: 802-863-7229 | TTY/TDD: Dial 711 first. Or contact your local office.
USDA nondiscrimination statement