Vermont is a universal state, where the state Immunization Program purchases vaccines from the CDC federal contract at no cost to providers, for use in all children and adults under 65. In order to receive vaccines, a provider practice must enroll in the Vermont Child Vaccine Program (VCVP) and/or Vermont Adult Vaccine Program (VAVP) programs. Vaccines are funded by the federal Vaccines for Children program and fees are assessed on health insurers who cover Vermont lives with limited discretionary federal 317 funding. Learn more about the Vermont Immunization Program

Interested in enrolling your practice in the Vermont Vaccine Program? 

Please email us at [email protected] and fill out the contact information form fields included in the email.

Do you need to update your Contact Information? 

Update Program Primary and Back-up Contacts

Vermont Child Vaccine Program (VCVP) 

The Vermont Child Vaccine Program (VCVP) covers those eligible for the federal Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, as well as the privately insured population under age 19 that covers all CDC-recommended vaccines.

VFC- Congress created the federal Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program in 1993.  The goal of the VFC Program is to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases by removing or reducing cost barriers.  The VFC program is funded by federal entitlement money guaranteed to each state to buy vaccine for children who are:

  • Medicaid eligible
  • uninsured
  • underinsured (defined in this case as a health insurance policy that doesn’t cover vaccination services)
  • American Indian/Alaska Native.

Vermont Adult Vaccine Program (VAVP) 

In 2007, the Vermont Department of Health initiated a program to provide adult (ages 19-64) vaccines at no cost to provider practices. This program, known as the Vermont Adult Vaccine Program (VAVP) is modeled after the VCVP program. All primary care and OB/GYN providers may enroll.

Vermont Vaccine Program Provider Forms
VCVP/VAVP Enrollment Form
VAVP-Only Enrollment Form
Child Vaccine Administration Record
Immunization Documentation Requirements
Adult Vaccine Administration Record
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