Free Condoms
Your personal supply of free condoms are available at the organizations below.
location(s) | name |
Bennington, Brattleboro | AIDS Project of Southern Vermont |
Burlington, South Burlington, Essex, South Hero, Winooski | Community Health Centers |
Brattleboro, Burlington, Rutland, St. Johnsbury | Comprehensive Care Clinics |
Burlington | Howard Center Safe Recovery |
Lebanon, NH (Serving Orange and Windsor County, VT; Coos, Grafton, and Sullivan County, NH) | HIV/HCV Resource Center |
Burlington | Outright Vermont |
Burlington | Pride Center of Vermont |
Berlin, Burlington, Rutland, St. Johnsbury | Vermont CARES |
Barre, Brattleboro, Burlington, Rutland, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction, Williston | Planned Parenthood |

Consistent and correct use of condoms reduces the risk of STDs and HIV transmission.