Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Support
Resource Description 
National Sexual Violence Resource Center  Research & tools to advocates working on the frontlines to end sexual harassment, assault, and abuse 
Prevent Connect Uses various forms of online media to connect people and ideas to advance the primary prevention of sexual assault and relationship violence.  
Veto Violence  Tools, trainings, and resources to empower you and your community to prevent violence and implement evidence-based prevention strategies in your community.


Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Support
Protocol for Adolescent Relationship Abuse Prevention and Intervention  Sample protocol from Futures Without Violence intended to be adapted for use in clinical settings 
Hanging Out or Hooking Up: Clinical Guidelines on Responding to Adolescent Relationship Guidelines focused on the transformative role of the adolescent health care provider in preventing, identifying, and addressing adolescent relationship abuse (ARA).  


Child Abuse Prevention and Support
Evidence-Based Home Visiting  Home visitors partner with parents and caregivers to tailor services and resources to best meet the unique needs of each family. 
Vermont Help Me Grow  System model for improving access to existing resources and services for expectant parents and families with young children through age eight.  
Resources from the Vermont Department for Children and Families Resources to give families that can help parents & caregivers keep children safe from abuse. 
Vermont Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse/Neglect  Information on who is mandated to report suspected child abuse, how to make a report, what happens after a report is made, and FAQs 
Role of Related Professionals in Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect (Child Welfare Information Gateway)  Resources that health-care providers, educators, law enforcement, and clergy can use to become more aware of how to spot instances of abuse and neglect and what to do when a concern is present.