Help Me Grow

Refer a Child or Family 

Submit this form on behalf of a child or family to connect them to services. Help Me Grow staff will then contact the parent/caregiver and will also follow up with the referring provider and child’s health care provider (with parent permission).  

Free Tools and Training Opportunities  

  • Receive free Ages and Stages (ASQ) developmental and social and emotional screening questionnaires and printed CDC Milestones materials
  • Learn to conduct developmental and behavioral screening and access the ASQ Online system
  • Access the Universal Developmental Screening Registry for easy and safe data sharing 
Cover of Impact Report for Help Me Grow

Contact us at [email protected] 

Read our 2020-2021 Impact Report  

Vermont's Developmental Screening Registry

The Universal Developmental Screening Registry (UDSR) allows screening results to be securely shared across clinical and community settings to ensure young children are connected to developmental supports. Participating practices and providers are encouraged to access and review developmental screenings completed by early educators, home visitors, and others to inform their surveillance and screening activities during health supervision visits.  

Screening Results Log On   Registry Test System Log On

To participate in the UDSR: 

  1. Complete the Community Provider/Early Educator or Health Care Provider Access and Confidentiality/Privilege Agreement and email to  [email protected] or fax to 802-951-1218 
  2. Have your families complete and sign the Parental Release form and keep this for your records
  3. Start sharing and viewing screening results and a child’s screening history.
User Manual Detailed guidance for entering and viewing results and running practice reports.
User Support Reset your password.
Refer a Family  Connect families with developmental supports. 
Developmental and Behavioral Screening Guidelines Learn how use of UDSR fulfills the Blueprint Accountable Care Organization (ACO) quality measure. 
Contact information 

Fax: 802 951-1218 

Email: [email protected] 


Infant Safe Sleep

Parents and caregivers want to provide safety for their children. Health care professionals are their most trusted source of information. Teaching families about the latest safe sleep guidelines is the first step in helping to prevent Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), the death of an infant less than 1 year of age that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, and whose cause of death is not immediately obvious before investigation. While there can be multiple causes for SUID, supporting families in implementing safe sleep practices will help lower their risk.  

Resource Description 
AAP Recommendations  Updated Safe sleep recommendations, broken down by strength of recommendations (A-C with A being the strongest).
Safe Sleep Toolkit from AAP Materials, including posters, videos, and social media graphics to promote safe sleep.  
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) Information, including training resources on SUID and SIDS from the CDC. 
What does a safe sleep environment look like? Information and materials on safe sleep from NIH. 
Building on Campaigns with Conversations Modules to help you understand and implement the Conversations Approach to promote breast or chestfeeding and safe sleep practices. 


Other Resources for Educators and Providers Working with Infants and Young Children
Bright Futures/AAP Periodicity Schedule Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care is a schedule of recommended screenings and assessments at each well-child visit from infancy through adolescence.  
Children’s Integrated Services  Resources for the organizations and providers who partner with the CDD to provide CIS services to families in Vermont.
Family Planning and PregnancyResources for professionals on family planning and pregnancy, including guidelines, recommendations and trainings.
Health Care for Children and Youth Resources for professionals, including information on quality improvement and healthcare reform.
WIC Find out more about the many benefits of WIC, how to help families apply, or make an online WIC referral.
DULCELearn about DULCE, an evidence-based approach to address social determinants of health, promote healthy development of infants, and provide support to families in pediatric health care settings. If you are interested in learning more about DULCE, please contact Laura Pentenrieder.
Last Updated: