We provide support and participate in hospital preparedness with Copley Hospital, help exercise hospital plans and serve on the Copley Emergency Preparedness Committee.
We serve on the county's Local Emergency Preparedness Committee. We attend meetings throughout the country to provide assistance and answer questions about data, health department initiatives and resources, and emergency preparedness from a public health standpoint.
We maintain agreements with community partners to ensure that mass clinic space is available on short notice in times of disaster or public health emergencies.
We provide presentations to first responders, health care agencies and schools on public health emergency preparedness.
We ensure our staff is trained and ready with needed equipment if called upon to support a public health emergency.
We conduct emergency preparedness exercises. Led by a local office staff member, these scenarios allow our staff to run through hypothetical public health emergencies. We practice taking steps to notify the public, set up clinics and distribute medications and vaccinations.