BMP Board Meeting Round Table Image


Meetings of the full Board of Medical Practice generally take place on the first Wednesday of each month, unless the first Wednesday falls on a state holiday. In that case, the meeting is held on the second Wednesday of the month. Most meetings are now held virtually using Microsoft Teams. The meetings are open to the public and information about how to attend over Microsoft Teams is provided on the agenda. Agendas are normally posted here by the Friday preceding the meeting. While the meetings are open to the public, certain portions of meetings may be held in executive session, in accordance with the Vermont Public Meeting law. During executive session members of the public are excluded from the meeting. 

The dates below are provided for your convenience, but the Board cannot guarantee that meetings will take place on every date listed. Meetings are subject to cancellation due to adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.

If you would like to participate in a meeting and need accessible accommodations and/or would like to be provided online access by coming to the Waterbury State Office Complex, please contact the Board at [email protected] or (802) 657-4220 at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting.

2025 Board Meetings
January 8AgendaMinutes
February 5AgendaMinutes
March 5AgendaMinutes
April 2AgendaMinutes
May 7AgendaMinutes
June 4AgendaMinutes
July 2AgendaMinutes
August 6AgendaMinutes
September 3AgendaMinutes
October 1AgendaMinutes
November 5AgendaMinutes
December 3AgendaMinutes

                Recording of Board Meeting February 5 

                Recording of Board Meeting March 5 Part 1

                Recording of Board Meeting March 5 Part 2

2024 Board Meetings
January 3AgendaMinutes
January 17AgendaMinutes
February 7AgendaMinutes
March 6AgendaMinutes
April 3AgendaMinutes
May 1AgendaMinutes
June 5AgendaMinutes
July 3AgendaMinutes
August 7AgendaMinutes
September 4AgendaMinutes
October 2AgendaMinutes
October 7 Special meetingAgendaMinutes
November 6AgendaMinutes
December 4AgendaMinutes





2023 Board Meetings
January 4AgendaMinutes
January 18AgendaMinutes
February 1AgendaMinutes
February 15AgendaMinutes
March 1AgendaMinutes
March 15AgendaMinutes
April 5AgendaMinutes
April 19AgendaMinutes
May 3AgendaMinutes
May 17AgendaMinutes
June 7AgendaMinutes
June 21AgendaMinutes
July 5AgendaMinutes
July 19AgendaMinutes
August 2AgendaMinutes
August 23AgendaMinutes
September 6AgendaMinutes
September 20AgendaMinutes
October 4AgendaMinutes
October 18AgendaMinutes
November 1AgendaMinutes
November 15AgendaMinutes
December 6AgendaMinutes
December 20AgendaMinutes


2022 Board Meetings
January 5AgendaMinutes 
January 19No MeetingNo Meeting
January 19Licensing Committee Emergency MeetingMinutes
February 2AgendaMinutes
February 16AgendaMinutes
March 2AgendaMinutes
March 16AgendaMinutes
April 6AgendaMinutes
April 20No MeetingNo Meeting
May 4AgendaMinutes
May 6South Committee Emergency Meeting 
May 18AgendaMinutes
June 1Agenda Minutes
June 15AgendaMinutes
July 6AgendaMinutes
July 20No MeetingNo Meeting
August 3AgendaMinutes
August 17AgendaMinutes
September 7AgendaMinutes
September 9Licensing Committee Emergency MeetingMinutes
September 21AgendaMinutes
September 30Central Committee Emergency MeetingMinutes
October 5AgendaMinutes
October 19AgendaMinutes
November 2AgendaMinutes
November 16AgendaMinutes
December 7AgendaMinutes


Current Board Members
Rob Ciappenelli
Public Member
David Coddaire
Evan Eyler
Gail Falk
Public Member
Rachel Gaidys
Matthew Greenberg (Vice-Chair)
Rick A. Hildebrant (Chair)
Suzanne Jones
Physician Assistant
Patricia King
Stephanie Lorentz
Public Member
Ian Odigie
Dawn Philibert
Public Member
South Burlington
Judy Scott
Public Member
St. George
Margaret Tandoh
Robert E. Tortolani (Secretary)
Scott Tucker
Public Member
West Rutland
Peter Ireland


Serving on the Board

The Board of Medical Practice is composed of medical professionals and public members who serve as a neutral and independent body commissioned to oversee the practice of medicine and to protect the public. The 17 members who are appointed by the Governor include 11 Vermont-licensed medical professionals (nine physicians, one physician assistant, and one podiatrist) and six public members. As a board member, you receive a $50 per diem, mileage reimbursement and a meal at each meeting.

Apply to Serve on the Board

Accessibility Statement

The Vermont Department of Health works to be sure that all Vermonters can use the information, services, and resources that we share. If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility or inclusivity of the Board's documents or webpage, please contact us at [email protected] or (802) 657-4220.

For more information about the Health Department's accessibility statements, please visit the Vermont Department of Health's Accessibility Statement webpage.