Alcohol or other drug addiction recovery

Recovery from substance use disorder is a lifelong process. Throughout Vermont, there are services to support you in your recovery. You can recover.

Recovery Centers

Recovery Centers provide information and support to people in recovery from substance use disorder. Contact your local Recovery Center to find resources and support in your area.

Peer Recovery Support

Peer recovery coaching and support connects people with lived experience with people in recovery to provide support and assistance in navigating treatment and recovery services. Peer recovery coaches can help you reach your recovery goals.

Visit or call 802-565-LINK (5465) (toll-free 833-565-LINK) 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

You can also answer quick and confidential questions to get connected to the right services for you.

Call VT Helplink

Contact a recovery program near you:

CountyProgramAddressPhone Number
Addison CountyTurning Point Center of Addison County54 A1 Creek Road, Middlebury(802) 388-4249
Bennington CountyTurning Point Center of Bennington160 Benmont Ave, Suite C481, Bennington(802) 442-9700
Chittenden CountyTurning Point Center of Chittenden County179 South Winooski Ave, Suite #301, Burlington(802) 861-3150
Franklin CountyTurning Point of Franklin County182 Lake Street, St. Albans(802) 782-8454
Orleans CountyJourney to Recovery Community Center212 Prouty Drive, Suite 3, Newport(802) 624-4156
Caledonia CountyKingdom Recovery Center297 Summer Street,
St. Johnsbury
(802) 751-8520
Rutland CountyTurning Point Recovery Center of Rutland141 State Street, Rutland(802) 773-6010
Washington CountyTurning Point Center of Central Vermont489 North Main Street, Barre(802) 479-7373
Windham CountyTurning Point of Windham County39 Elm Street, Brattleboro(802) 257-5600
Windsor CountyTurning Point Recovery Center of Springfield7 Morgan Street, Springfield(802) 885-4668
Windsor CountyUpper Valley Turning Point200 Olcott Drive, White River Junction(802) 295-5206
Lamoille CountyNorth Central Vermont Recovery Center275 Brooklyn Street, Suite #2, Morrisville(802) 851-8120

Support Groups

Support groups are places for support and encouragement from peers to maintain recovery and work through personal substance use triggers and recurrence. These programs are peer-lead and are often recommended as part of a treatment plan. Twelve-step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are the most well-known support groups.

Contact Us
Substance Use Programs (DSU)

Vermont Department of Health
280 State Drive
Waterbury, VT 05671-8340

[email protected]

Additional Recovery Resources
Recovery Partners of Vermont
VT Helplink
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