Image of African American family enjoying fresh fruit and vegetables and a glass of milk
You may have heard of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP—a federal program that helps income-eligible individuals and families access fresh, healthy food. Vermont’s version of SNAP is called 3SquaresVT.

A related program, called SNAP-Education, or SNAP-Ed, supports 3SquaresVT-eligible people by providing funding to local organizations that fill two important roles:

  1. Assisting people with how to grow, find, buy, store, and prepare healthy, fresh food.
  2. Inspiring and supporting people to get regular physical activity.

SNAP-Ed’s priority populations include:

  • Single parent households with children under 18, especially those with children under five
  • People of color
  • Indigenous populations
  • Immigrants and refugees
  • People living with a disability
  • Rural Vermonters
  • Older adults
  • People who are unhoused
  • Youth, specifically middle and high school students
  • LGBTQ+ people, recognizing many individuals and households hold many of these identities at the same time.

SNAP-Ed's work in Vermont

SNAP-Ed operates by providing funding and technical support to Vermont organizations that fulfill SNAP-Ed’s goals. These organizations, also called grantees, offer a variety of services, such as:

  • Teaching people to grow, prepare and enjoy their own food
  • Delivering fresh produce directly to communities via mobile food shelves
  • Providing cooking demos and educational events at schools and community events
  • Hosting events to help families make outdoor activity a normal and fun part of life
  • Supporting policy, systems, and environmental changes to make the healthier choice easier and accessible.
  • SNAP-Ed also works to improve nutrition security, which means all Vermonters have consistent, equitable access to the nutritious, safe, and affordable foods that are essential to living healthy lives. Find out more about this as well as helpful resources here.

SNAP and SNAP-Ed are overseen by the federal Food and Nutrition Services (FNS). In Vermont, the Vermont Department of Health facilitates SNAP-Ed in partnership with the Vermont Department for Children and Families (DCF), who administers 3SquaresVT.

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