Prepare for Success


Prepare before your baby is born

  • Talk to your healthcare provider​
  • Attend classes through your hospital or WIC
  • Build a support team – your health care provider, lactation professional, peer support group, home health nurses and WIC clinic may be available to support you!​

Provide a good start in the first days​

  • Breastfeed or chestfeed within the first hour after the baby is born.​ If the baby does not latch in the first hour, hand express colostrum, your first milk
  • Hold your baby skin to skin in the first days and beyond​.
  • Let baby set the pace and feeding schedule – follow their cues.​
  • Feed baby at least 8-12 times a day.​
  • Your milk only (unless baby needs supplementation for medical reasons) and let others know.​ Avoid bottles or pacifiers until breastfeeding or chestfeeding is consistent.​
  • Lean on your support network.
Did you know?

Learn about Biological Nurturing and laid back breastfeeding positions to help get latching off to a great start.

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