Recent changes to CDC's Respiratory Virus Guidance do not affect health care guidance. Please continue to use the guidance on the Long-Term Care facilities webpage and Health Care Professionals webpage.

Report all positive cases to the Vermont Department of Health Infectious Disease Epidemiology within 24 hours by calling 802-863-7240 (24/7).
If You Suspect Your Patient Has COVID-19
- Give the patient a surgical mask
- Notify facility infection control personnel
- Use standard precautions, contact precautions, airborne precautions and use eye protection when entering the room
- Evaluate the patient in a private room with the door closed, ideally in an airborne infection isolation room
Submit PPE request if you anticipate depletion of any COVID-19 specific resource stocks within the next 7 days.
COVID-19 PPE Resource Request Form
Find Detailed COVID-19 Information by Topic
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Resources
- COVID-19 Information for Health Care Workers
- Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity, calls and webinars
- Health care workers with general COVID-19 questions can call: (800) CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)
- Reporting Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), call: (707) 488-7100
Last Updated: