The food we eat, the air we breathe, the products we use, and the conditions in which we live, work, learn and play affect our health. The mission of the Division of Environmental Health is to prevent illness or disease that may be caused by environmental threats, both natural and human-made, and to reduce or eliminate harmful environmental exposures. We do this by applying sound science and regulation to assess and minimize risk. We provide data, information and education about health and the environment. We offer a variety of programs, all designed to ensure that healthy Vermonters live in healthy environments. Watch our video playlist below to learn more about environmental health in Vermont.
Climate & Health
- Climate Change
- Climate Change and Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae)
- Climate Change and Drought
- Extreme Weather Events
- Climate Change and Infectious Diseases
- Climate Change and Mental Health
Drinking Water
- A-Z Drinking Water Contaminants
Environmental Justice & Public Health
- Heat and Houselessness
Radiological Health
- New England Radiological Health Compact