Building the Bridge: Effective screening, brief intervention, and referral to services and support for young people faced with substance use or mental health challenges
Trained as a clinical social worker and addiction treatment provider, Mitch Barron is a Principal with Centerpoint Consultation, Training, Technical Assistance (CTTA), with a focus on systems and practice improvement and advisory roles within child protection services and the judiciary. Mitch is also a Director with Principles to Practice, L3C, which includes supervision, leadership coaching, and clinical practice. Mitch is Co-Lead with the Vermont Treatment Enhancement Program (VTEP), having previously been a Principal with the federally-funded Youth Treatment Enhancement Program. For 26 years, Mitch served as the Director of Centerpoint ATS, Vermont’s largest provider of integrated treatment for adolescents and families. In this role, he was responsible for insuring the highest-quality services and support to meet the mental health, substance abuse, and special education needs of Vermont teens, young adults, and their families. Mitch has served as National Treatment Faculty with Reclaiming Futures, a public health and juvenile justice reform organization based at Portland State University, Oregon. Mitch has provided tenured leadership with the Vermont Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council and the Vermont Association of Addiction Treatment Providers and has fulfilled Board leadership roles with regional youth development, health promotion, and substance abuse prevention coalitions. Through his career, Mitch has been a practicing clinician, clinical supervisor, program director, educator, and administrator. He teaches, trains, and consults regionally and nationally on a variety of topics related to adolescent and family mental health, addiction, resiliency, and well-being.
Windjammer/Best Western
1076 Williston Road
South Burlington, VT 05403
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