For Immediate Release: March 11, 2025
Media Contact: Kyle Casteel – Media Lead
Communication Office │ Department of Health
802-863-7280 │ [email protected]
Vermont Department of Health Confirms Case of Measles
A school-aged child contracted the disease while traveling internationally
WATERBURY, VT — The Vermont Department of Health has confirmed a case of measles in a school-aged child in Lamoille County. The child became sick after returning with their family from traveling internationally in recent days. The risk to the public is believed to be low, as the child has been isolated from most community settings while they have been contagious. Investigation is ongoing.
This is the first case of measles in Vermont in 2025, following two cases in 2024 and two cases in the decade prior, one in 2011 and one in 2018. This case is not related to the three ongoing domestic outbreaks of measles in the United States or to the current measles outbreak in Québec.
The positive test result for measles was confirmed the evening of Monday, March 10. One known site of exposure is at Copley Hospital, where the child was evaluated on Sunday, March 9. Copley Hospital has reached out to known visitors to the Emergency Department during that time. The Health Department is asking anyone who was inside the Emergency Department at Copley Hospital in Morrisville, Vermont between 3:15 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 9 to take the following actions:
- Confirm you have evidence of immunity to measles. You can do this by reaching out to your healthcare provider or requesting your vaccination records. In Vermont, you can follow instructions here:
- If you don’t know or can’t confirm if you have immunity to measles, contact the Health Department at 802-863-7240, option 2 as soon as possible for guidance.
- Everyone who was at the Copley Hospital Emergency Department during that time should monitor for any symptoms through Sunday, March 30. Reach out to your health care provider if you develop any symptoms. DO NOT go to the doctor’s office, the hospital, or a clinic without first calling to let them know about your symptoms and possible exposure to measles.
To protect patient confidentiality, the Health Department will not release individual personal health information. The department will continue to provide information that may impact broader public health.
The Health Department is also urging people in Vermont to make sure their family is vaccinated against measles – especially children. It’s particularly important if you plan to travel outside of the United States. Measles is one of the most contagious diseases and can be dangerous, especially in children younger than 5 years old. About 1 in 5 unvaccinated people in the U.S. who get measles are hospitalized.
About Measles:
Measles is a highly contagious respiratory virus that can cause serious illness.
In the first three months of 2025, the CDC has reported over 200 cases of measles, largely connected to three outbreaks in the United States, which have led to two recent deaths in Texas and New Mexico. 285 cases were reported in the U.S. for all of 2024, compared to 58 cases in 2023. Cases are also rising internationally. Health officials attribute this, in part, to an increase in the number of unvaccinated people, which impacts community immunity.
Symptoms of measles typically begin with a cough, runny nose, watery eyes, and a high fever that may spike to more than 104°. A rash of flat spots breaks out on the head and face, then spreads to other parts of the body.
The virus can spread to other people when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The measles virus can stay in the air for up to two hours after an infected person leaves an area. People can become infected if they breathe in the germs or touch a contaminated surface and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth.
The virus can be spread from four days before through four days after an infected person develops the rash. This means a person with measles may not know they are infectious for several days.
Anyone with symptoms of measles should stay home, consider wearing a mask around others, and contact their healthcare provider immediately. People who suspect they have measles should not go to the doctor’s office, the hospital, or a clinic without first calling to let them know about their symptoms.
There is no treatment for measles. However, it is almost entirely vaccine-preventable. Measles can be prevented with the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine. The Health Department is encouraging people to make sure they are up to date on their measles vaccinations. Talk to your doctor if you are unsure if you or your family have been vaccinated. It is especially important to be protected from measles before traveling outside the U.S.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends children get their first dose at 12 to 15 months of age, and a second dose at age 4 to 6 years. Infants ages 6 through 11 months old should get the MMR vaccination if traveling outside the U.S. Adults are protected from measles if they are fully vaccinated, were born before 1957, or have had a blood test that confirms they are immune. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are unsure if you are protected against measles.
Because measles is so contagious, 95% of a population needs to be immune to limit the spread of the virus effectively. According to 2023-2024 school immunization survey data, 93% of children in Vermont public and independent schools) are fully vaccinated against measles before entering kindergarten. This data doesn't include children who are homeschooled or not yet enrolled in school.
For more information about measles, visit
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