Monthly Opioid Overdose Dashboard

Summary of 2024 Opioid-Related Deaths and Emergency Department Visits

  • As of the end of October, the number of opioid-related accidental and undetermined deaths is lower than the previous three-year average (2021-2023 January-October).
  • As of the end of October, non-fatal emergency department visit rates for opioid overdoses are lower than the previous three-year average (2021-2023 through January-October).
  • So far in 2024, Caledonia County has a statistically higher rate of emergency department visits for opioid overdoses compared to the rest of Vermont. 

We have an 8-week lag in reporting opioid overdose deaths. This minimizes the changes in numbers posted. 

This dashboard is updated on the second Wednesday of each month. If you need help understanding it, email [email protected].



About the Dashboard

The Opioid Overdose Dashboard is replacing the Monthly Opioid Overdose PDF report. The dashboard includes data users are familiar with from the report, but in a new layout. Data includes:

  • Monthly fatality rates with past three-year comparison
  • Emergency department visits for non-fatal overdoses
  • Data segmented by race, age and sex
  • Various data notes

Like the report, the dashboard will be updated with new data monthly around the second Wednesday of the month.

Last Updated: