Dedicated 3-4-50 partners that have identified wellness measures that they currently employ or will accomplish within 12 months of signing-on.
Free Condoms
Consistent and correct use of condoms reduces the risk of STDs and HIV transmission. Your...
3-4-50 Partners
Dedicated 3-4-50 partners that have identified wellness measures that they currently employ or will accomplish...
School Wellness Improves Performance
Schools play a critical role in promoting the health of young people and helping them...
Worksite Wellness is Good for Business
Businesses play an important role in promoting health and reducing the risk of chronic disease...

Cities & Towns Support Whole Community Health
Communities that are built to support physical activity, safe walking and biking, use of public...
Prescription Drug Disposal
Most people who misuse prescription medications get them from friends or family – often straight...

Health Equity
The Health Department is committed to improving health equity. Health equity is inherent in our...
Cyclists & Pedestrians
In motor vehicle crashes, people walking, biking and rolling are more vulnerable to injuries and...
Hospital Report Cards
Consumers can make informed decisions when choosing a Vermont hospital by using Hospital Report Cards.
Atlases and Dashboards
Explore Health Data Atlases and Dashboards Many Vermont public health map atlases and dashboard-styled reports...
Tools for Community Planners
Understanding our community-level vulnerabilities can help us all prepare for emergencies like floods and heat...
Resources for Health Professionals
Through good nutrition, WIC helps ensure optimal health outcomes for pregnant people, new parents, and...
WIC Plans & Reports
The goal of WIC Data and Reports is to provide information, data and research related...
Information for Grocers
Learn about WIC Grocer requirements and how to apply to be a WIC grocer. Learn...
Community Prevention Programs
Alcohol and drug prevention programs help support communities to grow in wellness and health. Prevention...
Healthy community design means planning and designing communities that supports active living and healthy eating...
Explore Health Data Atlases and Dashboards Many Vermont public health map atlases and dashboard-styled reports are available on a per-topic basis. These atlases and reports also allow viewers to download data in commonly used formats.
Communities that are built to support physical activity, safe walking and biking, use of public transportation, and easy access to fresh foods are essential for good health. Healthy Cities and Towns See: Two-fold increase in daily recommended physical activity in...
Healthy community design means planning and designing communities that supports active living and healthy eating, making it easier for people to live healthy lives.
Alcohol and drug prevention programs help support communities to grow in wellness and health. Prevention works!
In motor vehicle crashes, people walking, biking and rolling are more vulnerable to injuries and death. These injuries and deaths are preventable. Whether you drive a car, walk, or bike, there are ways we can all be safer when using...
Consistent and correct use of condoms reduces the risk of STDs and HIV transmission. Your personal supply of free condoms are available at 23 locations throughout Vermont.
The Health Department is committed to improving health equity. Health equity is inherent in our mission to protect and promote the best of health for all Vermonters.
Consumers can make informed decisions when choosing a Vermont hospital by using Hospital Report Cards.
Learn about WIC Grocer requirements and how to apply to be a WIC grocer. Learn about the process for food manufacturers to submit food items for consideration by the Vermont WIC Program.