Practice Management, Administration, and Operation in the SUD Field, Part 2: Twelve-Step Integration — A Clinical, Administrative, and Team Approach to Addiction Counseling
This training will cover the basics of twelve-step integration (TSI) for clinicians, agencies, and multidisciplinary team members working with clients with addictions. This training will educate participants on the similarities and differences between twelve-step facilitation and TSI approaches. Throughout the training, the presenter will explain TSI in detail, from the basics to the advanced aspects. This will include information on exploring ethical issues and roles, educating on the importance of agency cohesion in themes and language, and enabling all agency and TSI team members to implement both the evidence-based practices and the non-clinical aspects of twelve-step programs. Participants will learn how to do this ethically and effectively in order to best meet the needs of clients' short-term and long-term goals.
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