Injury Surveillance
Injury prevention is part of a comprehensive approach to enhancing health and quality of life for all Vermonters. Vermont's Injury Prevention Program uses data to determine activities while improving our understanding of the causes of injury, populations that are most at risk, trends in a particular type of injury, and assessing the impact of prevention programs.
See how well we are meeting our injury prevention goals through our Healthy Vermonters 2020 Scorecard and Maps & Trends.

Suicide Surveillance Dashboard
This dashboard is updated monthly and shares year-to-date suicide deaths and emergency department visits related to suicide. For annual statistics, see the data briefs below.
Suicide and Mental Health
- Youth Mental Health and Screen Time
- Mortality of Vermont Incarcerated Persons
- 2023 Annual Intentional Self-Harm and Suicide Report
- Suicide Deaths Summary, 2023
- Suicide Data Slide Deck
- Suicide Morbidity and Mortality by Location
- Intentional Self-Poisonings
- Suicide Data Linkage Project
- 2022 Annual Intentional Self-Harm and Suicide Report
- Disability and Risk of Suicide
- Suicide Mortality in Rural Vermonters
- Youth Cannabis Use and Suicide Risk
- Male Suicide Morbidity and Mortality
- Interpersonal Risk and Protective Factors for LGBT Youth with a Suicide Plan
- Suicide Slide Deck
- Annual Intentional Self-Harm and Death by Suicide (death data through 2021)
- Repeat Visitors to the ED for Suicide-Related Reasons
- Risk Factors Among LGBT Youth with a Suicide Plan
- Protective and Risk Factors for Youth with a Suicide Plan
- Suicide-Related Emergency Department Visits Infographic
- Annual Intentional Self-Harm and Suicide (death data through 2020)
- Industry and Occupation of Vermonters Who Died by Suicide
- Suicidal Ideation and Self-Directed Violence Data by Month from 2017-2019
- Youth Emergency Department Visits for Suicidal Ideation and Self-Directed Violence
- Mental Health-Related Emergency Department Visits Among Youth
- Intentional Self-Harm and Death by Suicide
- Trends in ED visits for Suicidal Ideation and Self-Directed Violence
- Intentional Self-Harm and Death by Suicide
- Firearm Storage Safety
- Firearm Injury and Death in Vermont
- Risk Behaviors and Protective Factors of High School Students Who Made a Suicide Plan