Health is shaped by where we live, learn, work and play. Some populations in Vermont have experienced historical, systems-based discrimination and racism. As a result, they experience significant disparities in health outcomes, including higher rates of chronic disease. Community strategies to improve access to healthy food and places to be physically active must be inclusive of individuals who have disabilities, are low-income, or who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC). This means identifying the priority populations in your community and actively engaging them in all stages - planning, design and implementation - of projects. Below are some resources to assist.
Vermont Health Equity Planning Toolkit developed by the Lamoille County Planning Commission (LCPC) with input from Vermont’s Regional Planning Commissions, is a guide for integrating health equity language into planning documents, community projects, and local zoning bylaws.
The Vermont Health Equity and Community Design Technical Assistance project (TA Pilot), funded from 2022-2024, provided extra capacity and resources to communities to develop healthy community design and placemaking plans, ideas, and projects that center on equity. The TA was available to all eligible communities to help advance healthy community design and health equity projects. The TA also helped prepare communities that are interested in, but not yet ready to apply for, DHCDs Better Places placemaking grants. The TA Pilot website has examples of community projects, a toolbox of resources, and links to a podcast, Small Towns Healthy Places highlighting the importance and impact of these projects to rural communities.
American Planning Association’s (APA) Planning for Equity Policy Guide - Identifies policy recommendations for planners to advocate for policies that support equity in all aspects of planning at local, state, and federal levels. This Guide provides specific, actionable policy guidance through an equity lens on cross-cutting topics and areas of planning.
Change Lab Solutions: Planning for Healthy, Equitable Communities - Offers a Planner’s Playbook: A Community-Centered Approach to Improving Health & Equity, Infographics and other useful resources for planning and health equity.
Citizens Institute on Rural Design: Practical Ways to Foster More Inclusive Community Planning and Design - A blog post offing specific, practical ways to engage groups in community planning, who are typically underrepresented in such efforts.
Policy Link’s Equitable Development Toolkit: Access to Healthy Food - Overview that serves as an introduction to four tools in the Equitable Development Toolkit— Grocery Store Development, Corner Stores, Farmers’ Markets, and Urban Agriculture and Community Gardens—that help low-income and communities of color increase their access to healthy, fresh, affordable food. For more, see Policy Link’s Equitable Food Systems Resource Guide.
Project for Public Spaces: A Playbook for Inclusive Placemaking - A four part series that addresses inclusive community process, programming, design, and public space management.