Keep yourself and those around you safe.
Firearm Safety
Gun violence affects the lives of many Vermonters each year. Firearm-related injuries and deaths are...
Suicide Prevention
Suicide touches the lives of many Vermonters. Our intentional self-harm and death by suicide rates...
Resources for Families and Caregivers
Resources for families and caregivers using Emergency Medical Services for their children.
Stay Safe in a Flood
Vermont’s rivers, streams and lakes can be harmful to our health and safety when they...

Water Safety in Vermont
Vermont's lakes, rivers and swimming holes are an important part of our recreational landscape. Whether...

Prescription Drug Disposal
Most people who misuse prescription medications get them from friends or family – often straight...

EMS Pediatric Readiness
Pediatric emergency incidents comprise approximately 5% of all prehospital emergency medical services calls in Vermont...
Injury Data
Injury Surveillance Injury prevention is part of a comprehensive approach to enhancing health and quality...
Safe Home Environment
Injuries, accidents and poisonings are common in homes. Taking precautions can help prevent them from...
Substance Use Messaging Resources
Health campaigns related to alcohol and other drug use. Resources for grantees and partners.
Pediatric emergency incidents comprise approximately 5% of all prehospital emergency medical services calls in Vermont. Pediatric patients are not tiny adults - sick and injured children often require prehospital practitioners to use different equipment, skills, and resources. That’s why it...
Gun violence affects the lives of many Vermonters each year. Firearm-related injuries and deaths are preventable and we can all play a role in creating safer communities.
Injury Surveillance Injury prevention is part of a comprehensive approach to enhancing health and quality of life for all Vermonters. Vermont's Injury Prevention Program uses data to determine activities while improving our understanding of the causes of injury, populations that...
Most people who misuse prescription medications get them from friends or family – often straight out of the medicine cabinet. Find out how to properly store and get rid of prescription medications.
Many Vermonters are affected by falls at some point in their life. People who are 65 years and older are increasingly at risk of falling, and therefore potentially injury. As we age, we are more likely to be injured in...
Resources for families and caregivers using Emergency Medical Services for their children.
Injuries, accidents and poisonings are common in homes. Taking precautions can help prevent them from happening in your home and help to keep yourself and your family safe.
Vermont’s rivers, streams and lakes can be harmful to our health and safety when they flood. Learn about the steps you can take to stay safe before, during and after a flood.
Health campaigns related to alcohol and other drug use. Resources for grantees and partners.