WIC offers a large range of healthy foods for your family.
WIC Breastfeeding
WIC supports your breastfeeding/chestfeeding journey, can provide a peer counselor, and help along the way.

WIC Remote Appointments
WIC offers some appointments by phone and video. The following information will help WIC families...
Resources for Families and Caregivers
Resources for families and caregivers using Emergency Medical Services for their children.
Vermont Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Program
Hearing screening is simple and painless. Early screening ensures children early access to services to...

Lead Poisoning Prevention Guidance for Health Care Providers
This information is for health care professionals. The Healthy Homes Lead Poisoning Prevention Program works...
Lead Poisoning Prevention Guidance for Parents and Caregivers
There is no safe level of lead in the body. Lead can harm anyone, but...
Vermont Strategic Plan and Needs Assessment
Core funding for Vermont’s Maternal and Child Health division comes from the Title V Maternal...
Resources for Health Professionals
Through good nutrition, WIC helps ensure optimal health outcomes for pregnant people, new parents, and...
WIC Plans & Reports
The goal of WIC Data and Reports is to provide information, data and research related...
Information for Grocers
Learn about WIC Grocer requirements and how to apply to be a WIC grocer. Learn...
Strong Families Vermont Home Visiting
What is Strong Families Vermont Home Visiting? We are here to partner with you and...

Care for Your Baby and Young Child
Caring for a baby or young child means thinking about the food you feed them...
Pregnancy and Childhood
Dental health is especially important for pregnant people because the bacteria that cause dental decay...
School & Early Child Care
Schools share the responsibility with families and communities to provide students with healthy environments that...
What is Strong Families Vermont Home Visiting? We are here to partner with you and make this parenting journey easier. We offer: Free, convenient, flexible visits with your own nurse or family support professional. Help begins at any point in...
Hearing screening is simple and painless. Early screening ensures children early access to services to help them reach their full potential. Contact your child's doctor if you have any concerns about your child's hearing.
Core funding for Vermont’s Maternal and Child Health division comes from the Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
WIC's benefits are bigger than you think.
WIC supports your breastfeeding/chestfeeding journey, can provide a peer counselor, and help along the way.
WIC offers a wide variety of referrals and resources.
Who can get WIC.
WIC is your go-to resource for eating well, staying active and being healthy.
The goal of WIC Data and Reports is to provide information, data and research related to our WIC families. Here are the latest reports, collaborations and publications from the Vermont WIC program to help local WIC agencies and our program...