To Inclusivity and Beyond!
Specialized care for trans and other LGBQiA2S+ individuals in substance use treatment, both inpatient and outpatient facilities, is severely lacking. There has been a recent push for inclusivity of LGBTQiA2S+ persons, which has resulted in more welcoming facilities and more inclusive gender- and orientation-language on intake forms. However, true specialization in providing services to LGBTQiA2S+ persons continues to lag behind. In this interactive presentation, gender and sexuality experts in the field will offer insights and practice based on evidence-based research and lived experience. Together, we will explore techniques and ways to move beyond “welcoming” and into “inclusive” specialized care for LGBTQiA2S+ persons, including, but not limited to, gender-based inpatient room assignments, queer specific support groups, inclusive forms, competency for clinicians and staff, and more.
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