Medications for Stimulant Use Disorders: Evidence, Infrastructure and Cultural Factors that Support Whole Person Care
Dr. Steven Shoptaw is the George Kneller Term Chair in Family Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles and the Editor in Chief of the journal, Drug and Alcohol Dependence. In this this webinar, Dr. Shoptaw will provide a comprehensive discussion of the evidence that directs ways to provide whole person, culturally competent treatment for persons with stimulant use disorder. The recent ASAM/AAAP Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Stimulant Use Disorder describes and evaluates the evidence quality and strength supporting recommendations for off-label use of medications for stimulant use disorder. A brief discussion of medications with best quality evidence is provided. The “whole person” care approach is supported by recognizing the Guideline starts with a full-throated recommendation of contingency management as the treatment with strongest signal for helping patients meet their stimulant use goals, pointing toward combination medical and behavioral strategies. Challenges in infrastructure and in cultural competence needed to provide high quality, whole person care for stimulant use disorder using a foundation of medications and integration of behavioral and community interventions are discussed with the goal of building health in the medical management of stimulant use disorder in clinical spaces, including medical settings like emergency rooms, cardio-pulmonary clinics, infectious diseases clinics and primary care.
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