Certain People and Places are More Affected

icon of Vermont with people, trees and question mark

Climate change will affect everyone, but certain people and certain places will be affected more than others:

  • Some people are more exposed to climate-related health impacts, such as extreme heat, flooding from extreme weather events, and tickborne diseases. These include outdoor workers and hobbyists, homeless people, people living in flood plains, or people living on upper stories of buildings in urban areas (which can be especially hot in summer).
  • Others may have increased health risk due to age (the elderly, babies, and children), having a chronic or pre-existing medical condition, or being on certain medications.
  • Even people in good current health but lacking economic, social, or political resources may have less ability than others to reduce their risks, prevent impacts from occurring, and recover from impacts when they occur.

It is critical to identify individuals and communities that may be particularly affected by climate-related health impacts, and to take actions to ensure that they do not suffer disproportionately from climate impacts. For example, a home-bound elderly person living alone may be especially at risk during a heat wave or extreme weather event. Learn more about how climate change affects health

Below are resources to help you learn more about how to identify and address affected populations. Learn more about environmental justice and public health.

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