Health Information in العربية (Arabic)
Air Quality Can Affect Your Health When the amount of pollution in the air increases – for example, from wildfires – risks to your health can also increase. People highly affected by air pollution, or what the Environmental Protection Agency...
Changes in the climate can affect human health, including: effects from extreme heat, extreme weather events, tickborne and-mosquito-borne diseases, cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms, and air quality.
Climate change will affect everyone, but certain people and certain places will be affected more than others.
Drought can cause groundwater levels to lower and could cause your drinking water source to run dry. Learn what you can do to manage your water supply during drought.
Climate Change Affects Your Health Climate change is impacting the health of people living in Vermont now. Some existing health threats will intensify and new health threats will emerge. Climate change also affects social and environmental determinants of health, including...
Heat can cause serious illness. On very hot days, sometimes your body temperature can get dangerously high. This makes you at greater risk for serious heat illnesses.
Responding to climate change will benefit health now.