For Immediate Release
Friday, December 11, 2020

Media Contact
Rebecca Kelley, Office of the Governor
802-622-4047 | [email protected]


Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today issued the following statement:

“I join many across Vermont and the country in welcoming news of the first approved vaccine for COVID-19. This is an important milestone and a major – and essential - step toward defeating a virus that’s having devastating impacts on families and businesses throughout Vermont and around the globe.

“I want all Vermonters to know we’ve had a team of talented experts working for months to prepare for what will be an unprecedented effort to deliver safe and effective coronavirus vaccines. The process will be difficult, and we are ready. My Administration will focus first on protecting the most vulnerable and those at greatest risk during this crisis, which is why we will begin our rollout by vaccinating nursing home staff and residents, and those treating and interacting with COVID patients throughout our healthcare system.  

“There is no better, safer or faster way to defeat this virus and work to rebuild our economy than a successful effort to make vaccines available to every single Vermonter. We are committed to working with our partners to get this done, so we can get through this and be stronger and more resilient than ever before.

“This is a significant step forward, but we still have months of discipline and hard work ahead of us. Until enough people are vaccinated, it is critical we remain vigilant. So, I urge all Vermonters to continue wearing a mask in public, keeping six feet apart, avoiding crowds and gatherings and quarantining when required. Together, we can keep each other safe as we work our way towards the end of the tunnel.”


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