The Survey Is Active Year-Round
If you receive a phone call on behalf of the Vermont Department of Health about participating in a survey and want to check to see if it is legitimate or have questions about the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), please call 800-869-2871 or email [email protected].
Each year, we interview more than 6,000 adult Vermonters selected randomly for the BRFSS. All respondents are asked a uniform set of questions and results are weighted to represent the adult population of the state. ICF Macro is the interviewing contractor for the Vermont BRFSS and may leave a message directing respondents to their call back number at 877-364-0915.
Personal health behaviors have a major impact on the health of the population and contribute to the leading causes of disease and premature death. The BRFSS tracks health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services among Vermont adults. The results are used to assess progress on public health goals, such as Healthy Vermonters 2030, and to plan, support and evaluate health promotion programs. Working in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vermont has participated in the BRFSS since 1990. The CDC provides the Health Department with funding each year to support the implementation of the survey.